End of an Adventure

Yesterday we went to the beach. Although it was cold and rainy, we still made the most out of it. We swam in the ocean, built sand castles, and had an extremely close encounter with a stingray (don't worry he's okay!). We also drank cocnut water, then ate the coco out of it. After our beach day we had a really nice dinner, it was a BBQ with everyone all together. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Bowman had an enexpected guest (toucan) in their room and he did not want to leave. We had to get to bed early to wake up at 3am! The wake up was hard but we made it through.

Currently we are sitting in the Houston airport and will get home really late because of the current delay. We want to remind everyone to not forget about us and pick us up when we finally get home. Also, presentations will be at 6pm on Saturday. This trip was probably the best one yet and we would love to go back. We got to make some of our dreams come true and see amazing sites. We are very sad to see it end and would love to go back but honestly can't wait to get home. We want to give a huge thanks to everyone involved to make this trip possible for us. It helped us with our future and gave us moments we will never forget.

- Maddie Hanson and Erika Savage


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