Horizontes - Dry Forest Research Station

Does anyone have any seeds.
It is morning when we had to get up and finish packing After breakfast we went to the giftshop to buy things and chocolate for our families. We loaded up in the vans and started our 2 hour bus ride. We stoped at the local super market for our journy. After buying tons of food and drink we started out journy to the beach where we will do our turtle search. Once we got to the research facility we ate lunch and we saw a reascue toucan sitting on one of the benches around everyone. Then we all went into a building to speak with a marine biolagist about sea turtles. We had two hours for ourselves and played a soccer game with the locals and bus drivers while other people climbed the fire tower. 

By: Triston and Cole

Soccer with the locals... GOOOAAALLLL!
Iguana in the tree.

Lewis... our rescue toucan.

A view from the tower. Horizontes is beautiful. 


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